Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Keep Up the Fight for Economic Freedom

On Tuesday, the American people rose up in the defense of free markets and forced Congress to reject the fiscally irresponsible Wall Street Bailout. However, the leadership in Congress and Treasury will not be defeated so easily. They are already planning on bringing back the bailout with little improvements. To borrow one of Sen. Obama's favorite catchphrases, it's like "putting lipstick on a pig."

The five members listed below are traditionally supporters of fiscal responsibility, but voted to support the bailout package. Please take a few minutes to call their offices and encourage them to switch their votes from "yes" to "no" on the Wall Street bailout. Call the capitol switchboard at 1-866-928-3035 and ask to be connected to one of the following legislators:

Rep. Kay Granger
Rep. Adam Putnam
Rep. John Campbell
Rep. Greg Walden
Rep. Joe Wilson
Rep. Pete Sessions

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